Hello, Yarnies!
Welcome to our first-ish WITB for 2020! Nicole and Shelby did go 'live' on New Years and throughout their time in Europe, but nothing beats the good ol' fashioned WITB for Yarnish HQ, eh?
So let's jump straight into our highlights blog post!

And we’re back!
They are back! Although, Nicole admitted that she had only just changed out of her PJ top and popped on a bra for the live stream, so it seems they are still recovering from jet lag hehehe
What a whirlwind the last 4 weeks have been! Nicole and Shelby were out of the country for 28 days, and apart from having a relaxing time in Sweden, it was absolutely crazy!
We had stock arrive leading up to them leaving & then also whilst away - so lets ‘catch up’:
That's not a yarn pack... THIS is a yarn pack!!
Catona Studio Packs - $180 - super amazing (2 magnetic boards, 10 magnetic clips, magnetic tape, storage tin, colour card strips plus the full Catona Colour Pack) Unlike normal shade cards, this little card can be moved freely so they can be colour matched, stuck on mood boards, etc.
This is absolutely spectacular to look at! A huge, big box containing lots of goodies inside!
Fine Art Whirl - $55, 50% Superfine Merino / 25% Microfibre / 25% Acrylic | 215-225g (460m) Nicole was fortunate enough to be gifted one from Scheepjes HQ! Their first glimpse was while they were at the warehouse. They are stunning!
Nicole is working with one at the moment! She is making Mari's Aster Shawl. She has started with the dark colour and is working to the light colour. It is super, super soft!
Nicole is working with a 5mm hook. She has coupled it with Merino Soft Enrst, colour 653.
And just like the Whirls have Whirlettes, Fine Art Whirls have 'Merino Soft' to keep them company ;) It's actually pretty clever because the 'Merino Soft' are named after Artists and the Fine Art Whirls are named after Art Movements <3
The beauty of this is that you can swap and change different Merino Soft Balls to extend colours! We cannot wait to see what you come up with :)
Merino Soft - 50% Superfine Merino / 25% Microfibre / 25% Acrylic | 50g (105m)
More new stock!
Knit Pro - ID Tags - $4.50 - A little disc with a hole in it so that you don't forget what size hook you are using! Genius!!!!
Eyes - Clear Eyes - 50c set
Stitch Markers - Plastic Locking $10 - 104 markers, in 10 colours in a cute little case!
Stitch Markers - Metal Knitters Pins $12.50 - Really cute, light globe shaped markers. These are really useful for amigurumi, especially when using something like Catona which creates itty nitty stitches :) In these packs, there are more stitch markers than you can ever lose!
Shelby has put together some colour packs, and they are seriously beautiful:

Bathing Duck Kits - $35.50 - Organicon Kits. One thing to note about the bathing duck is that the floaty is made with a wooden ring, but you could make it and stuff it and it will be turn out great!

Ice Cream Rattle Kits - $38.00

NEW Papatya & Cicibebe coming this year - expected Aprilish
Nicole and Shelby were soooooo lucky to visit Papatya in Turkey! They experienced amazing Turkish hospitality as they were chaperoned and guided through the warehouse. Here is a little taste of what we will be stocking this year!:
Beautiful cakes!! These are ridiculously squishy and so beautiful!
Papatya (These are the ones that take two months to get here, as they come via container) -

5% polyester 5% acrylic. Super clever how this is made! Its like carpet yarn, there is a 'base' and then 'fluff' from the chain. It's a shaggy fluff, not silky. There are patterns on the Papatya website, including vests. It is really cool!
Joyful - pooling yarn
This has been around for a long time, 80/20 blend of acrylic and wool. Pooling is when you calculate how many stitches you will get in each colour block. From these calculations, you can then create really cool patterns in your design.
Mouline - new colours
Chunky yarn, 100g 160m, these are so beautiful! Just in time for Autumn, so you can make beanies!
This is so awesome! We have never really stocked anything like this before. This is where threads are spun loosely to make one chunky ply. Really soft and 80/20 wool acrylic blend. Machine Washable. Also, stay tuned for a super chunky roving too.....
Softie - with black fluff!
Enough said, right!!! All the softie we stocked previously was with white fluff, but now we have black fluff!
These are cute little baby cakes! Very similar to 4ply Catona but they are micro-fibre. There is a double colour repeat.
Gorgeous solids, acrylic composition. This is the yarn used for Princess Hoppy of Usak. This is perfect for amigurumi!
It also comes in a Velvet Cake.
Here another glamour shot of the beautiful Angora Cakes!
NEW Scheepjes in our next order
Furry Tales - 100% Polyester | 110g (57m). Strip construction, almost like fur fabric!! So lovely and soft!
Mighty - 32% Jute / 68% Cotton | 50g (80m). Nicole and Shelby were lucky enough to see this heavy-duty yarn! It will be in our next order. Not rough at all, it is very lovely.
Tiramisu, Muffin, and Donut, super soft and sooooo beautiful. These will arrive in roughly 4-6 weeks.
We are also stocking individual colours of Opal in Solids!! Super beautiful and exciting!
Super Sale, click the links below!
Bernat - Super Value Solid $9 save $5
La Mia - Linen Cotton $5 save $4
Noro - Silk Garden Sock $19 save $5 & Ito $39 save $10
Panda - Soft Cotton Chunky $4.50 save $4
Patons - Patonyle $5 save $5 & Songbird $7 save $4.50
Bobbel Box - Fiona $80 save $10
20% off Sale, click the links below!
KFI Luxury
Juniper Moon Farm
Lang Yarns
Scheepjes - selected product lines
Knit Pro Symfonie
Knit Pro Bamboo Tunisian - fancy schmancy!
Knit Pro Basix Bamboo
Knit Pro Jumbo Birch
Lykke 6” Hooks
Susan Bates Bamboo
Knit Pro Symfonie Natural Knooking Needle
Knook Book $12 save $4 - a cross between knitting and crochet, knooking! Get it! ;)
Uluru Rainbow - perfect for the Desert Rainbows Cowl by Katt Wade. You could also use Patons Songbird Yarn.
Bush Baby Packs
We are putting together some yarn packs to make nests, pouches etc for our injured bush babies. Stay tuned for more updates!
Grab bags!
We are creating Grab Bags full of discontinued Scheepjes stock to make room for new stock! They will be sorted by colourways, so you can choose what you like. Roughly around the $50 mark. Price TBC.
And that's it! Thanks for sticking around! Tonight was sooooooo epic ;)
Happy Yarning :)